BBK Clutch Cable and Quadrant Kit.
How’s your clutch? Not so good you say. Well, our team at BrothersPerformance.com can help. If you’re driving a 1979-2004 Ford Mustang, your clutch may need attention—or your clutch activation system my just need a tune-up. That’s okay, BrothersPerformance.com offers this BBK Clutch Cable and Quadrant Kit that will have you shifting like a pro.
When you press the clutch in any 1979-2004 Ford Mustang, you activate the clutch cable. The cable “pulls” along a mechanism under the dash called a clutch quadrant, and ultimately creates a pull at the clutch fork. The clutch fork manipulates the throwout bearing, which presses on the clutch fingers to disengage (or free) the clutch disk. This disconnects the engine from the driveline in order to let you stop the car without stalling, or to change gears.
Over time, the clutch cable and the factory quadrant wear down and lose their effectiveness. In extreme cases, the cable can actually fail, preventing you from operating the clutch altogether. If this happens you’ll be stuck. But more often, cables simply stretch, thus prevent full disengagement of the clutch disc.
This normally happens over time, so you may not notice that your cable is beginning to fail. More often than not, the clutch will still work, however, when it only partially disengages, the result can be worn syncros in the transmission, or accelerated wear on the clutch disc. Of course, most aftermarket clutches have stiffer-than-stock fingers for extra clutch grip, and this puts even greater load on the cable.
Naturally, the solution is a new high-performance set-up. BBK’s Clutch Cable and Quadrant Kit includes everything you’ll need to give you amazing clutch-pedal feel, plus the strength to prevent future failures. The kit comes with a direct-fit OEM-style hard-cased aftermarket cable, an aluminum clutch quadrant, and an aluminum firewall adjuster to give you control over clutch release. Your release point is now easily set by turning the adjuster that mounts under the hood. That’s right, you no longer have to crawl under the car to adjust your cable!
BBK offers kits for 1979-2004 Mustangs, along with a full line of Mustang clutches. This kit is suitable for your daily driver, or racecar. Consider one as a service replacement or any time you’ve installed an aftermarket clutch.